Singapore Writers Festival Wrap-Up
Kulleh Grasi, Pauline Fan, and Kulleh's band Nading Rhapsody all appeared at the Singapore Writers Festival this year. Some photos and videos for those who couldn't make it:
Translator Pauline Fan and poet Kulleh Grasi seeing the book for the first time.
Our book is real! And available in the festival bookstore.
Pauline Fan on a panel. It is impossible to make a panel look interesting, and the lighting of this one made it look like a prison interrogation.
Poet and translator and book, right before Nading Rhapsody's first performance.
Kulleh Grasi on a panel.
Kulleh Grasi being interviewed by Singaporean television after the performance – we should figure out whether this ever aired! Also Kulleh was interviewed about the book on Malaysian television last week, which we should also find.
Poet and translator after the show.